My reasons for Blogging
I write this weblog because it helps me think about the kind of lawyer I want to be, and the kind of firm I want to own. David at ethicalEsq. pokes some fun at my "overweening preoccupation" with naming my new firm and takes a not-so subtle poke at me for wanting to dump the billable hour and change the way I practice law. I admit to being rather hurt when I read David's post, but instead of taking his bait, I thought I'd take some time to articulate my reasons for reinventing my firm:
I want to be the kind of lawyer my daughter can be proud of (but also the kind of father she remembers). As a general practitioner, I am spending too much time trying to be too many things to too many people. I am not willing to do that any more. I have also grown tired of working for free for clients who don't (or can't) pay me. I would much rather donate my “unbillble time” to the causes I choose (teaching entrepreneural skills at the local high school, coaching a local school's trial team, and offering my mediation services for free to the local legal-aid agency) than to causes that choose me.
I want my clients to love the service they get from me and recommend my firm to their friends and family. I am convinced that billing my clients by the hour is not in their best interest or mine. Clients will know before I begin a project for them what the cost will be. If they are not satisfied with my service, I will refund their money.
I want my employees to love to come to work every day. I want them to work in an environment where they feel free to increase their skills.