Just One Thing.

I am a procrastinator. However, to paraphrase a common quote, "Procrastination is like masturbation. It seems like a good idea at the time, but in the end, you are only screwing yourself."

A wise lawyer gave me this idea, which I find to be the best so far at combating my procrastination demons. The lawyer suggests that at the end of each day, compile a full list of everything you need to do. Then write down the one thing that, if you do it tomorrow, will make the most difference in your life. Only one thing. Hide your master list (I've been giving mine to my secretary to return each afternoon before I leave) and write that one thing down on a notecard and post it where you will see it before you go to bed and when you wake up-- perhaps on your mirror or nightstand. Bring it with you to the office and do it. Once you get it done, reward yourself. Then pick one more thing.


The problem with the billable hour, Part 1.


I hate billing by the hour!