LegalMatch Comments
I was going to write another long post about LegalMatch, but, frankly, am getting tired of the whole conversation. One thing I did notice was that a comment I received here from LegalMatch user "Marty S." was very similar to a comment Jerry Lawson received here several months ago on the same topic on his eLawyer Blog from LegalMatch user "Adam."
The funny thing is that both "Marty S." and "Adam" had the same e-mail address. What's more, when I tried to thank "Marty" for his comments, my e-mail was returned as undeliverable because the yahoo account was canceled. Why would Adam and Marty respond to LegalMatch posts in almost the same way with different names from the same invalid e-mail address? Are they really satisfied LegalMatch users -- or LegalMatch insiders? Things that make you go Hmmmm.....