Grace Homann

grace_picture.jpgI don't do a lot of writing about my personal life on this weblog. The big reason is that I can't imagine people wanting to read it. However, I absolutely couldn't resist posting this recent picture of my daughter, Grace. She is just over sixteen months old (when do you stop using months and start using years, by the way?) and is an absolute ball to have around. I have the luxury of getting her from daycare around 4:00 p.m. and spending around two hours of uninterrupted "daddy time" with her each day until mommy gets home. She is at the stage now when she reaches for your hand and pulls you to whatever she wants to do. Last night, she took my hand, led me into her playroom, grabbed a book, and "forced" me to sit down so she could sit in my lap while I read it to her. Absolutely an incredible experience that I hope I don't forget as she grows up.

On a related note, Kevin Kelly, on his Cool Tools weblog suggests a book titled The Optimistic Child : Proven Program to Safeguard Children from Depression & Build Lifelong Resistance. Check out the quotes from the book on Kevin's site and pick it up. I'm going to.


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The Problem with Being a Young Lawyer.