The NonBillable Hour

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Help! Blogger in Need -- Weblog Hacked!!

I've been reading Kirsten Osilind's amazing Re:Invention Blog for quite some time.  She just redesigned the site and it looks fantastic.  When I e-mailed Kirsten to congratulate her on the new design, she e-mailed me back this:

Thanks for the compliments. Actually...someone hacked into the system last night and I effectually have lost the blog. They stole all the source files. And blogger has told me they can't restore because it is instant publishing.

What the hacker did in effect was go in and delete everything but not republish. So the second I try to post a new entry and republish...the entire template will go to blank white screen and I will lose everything. Blogger is not being helpful and I am devestated. So I don't think I will ever be able to post to the blog again.

If you know anyone who is techno savvy who could help I would be forever greatful. Cannot believe this has happened. Do believe it is the first example of a hacker with blogger though. So at least I am a first!

I've met Kirsten and she is one of the nicest people blogging today.  She writes out of a genuine interest in helping women succeed in business.  So, if you know someone who can help Kirsten, e-mail her here.