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Found this article today in ABA's e-Journal Report on the indictment of LegalMatch's founder and (former) CEO, Dmitri Shubov. Some excerpts:
Two days after his indictment, Shubov resigned as CEO, and Stuart Gross was named as his replacement. On May 24, another change of leadership occurred when Randy Wells, the company’s vice president of membership, officially took the helm.One of Wells’ first projects is to contact every LegalMatch subscribing attorney about the change in management. Most attorneys are being contacted by phone, and a few clients (especially local attorneys) have had face-to-face meetings with LegalMatch management.
Wells expects the process of calling attorney-clients may take about three weeks. So far, he says, the reaction from most of the company’s subscribing attorneys has been similar to the Utah bar’s reaction: "Clients have been relieved that we took immediate action and are ready to move forward," Wells says. "Believe it or not, it really hasn’t been a major issue."
The person in charge of the marketing tactics of LegalMatch now appears to be running the whole show. Great!