The NonBillable Hour

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Inspiration at Work

Anita Sharpe at Worthwhile wrote about an interview with Kevin Carroll, a creative guru at Nike, in HOW magazine. Kevin was asked in the interview to quickly name six things that inspire him. Go to Anita's full post for his response, but Anita wrote:

It's a fun exercise, and if you do it quickly, you might surprise yourself, or, like me, you might produce something that sounds like a personal ad on "Magazines. The Beatles. Great dinner conversations. Spontaneous adventures. Billy Crystal movies, or any humorous book or movie that also has a point. Views of water (I bought my house because a creek runs through the property; my office window has a view of a swimming pool and I count that, too.)"

My six things off the top of my head:

My daughter's laughter.
My wife's smile.
Being the first golfer to walk the course early in the morning.
The Missouri Botanical Garden
Having a client say "Thank you."
Having a full day to do nothing but read.

Sometimes we need to step back and realize that work helps us live our life, and shouldn't replace it. Now, back to our regular programming ...