Five by Five - Entrepreneur Edition

I've been a bit quiet about upcoming Five by Five's, but I have some really cool news to report, and some more in the wings. First, the bad news: because it is really difficult to keep the feature going every week, I'm going to spread them out just a bit. The great news is that I've lined up the participants in the next Five by Five. The feature will run on July 19 and the question will be:

What five things can lawyers do to better serve entrepreneurs and their businesses?

The All-Star Cast:

Rob a/k/a BusinessPundit.

Michael Cage - Who writes about "Small Business Success, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship" at his blog.

Professor Jeffrey Cornwall
- Professor of Entrepreneurship at Belmont University and writer of The Entrepreneurial Mind.

Jon Strande - Writer of the Business Evolutionist blog and author of the e-book, "The Cash Register Principle."

Barry Moltz - Author of "You Need to Be a Little Crazy" who blogs at his Barry Blog.

To say I'm excited about this upcoming edition is an understatement. I continue to be amazed at the wonderful people who agree to participate in my little Q&A.

Coming soon: Five Legal Technologists answer the question, "What five new technologies should all lawyers incorporate into their practices, but probably won't?"


How Not to Write Like a Lawyer


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