Five by Five - Businesspundit
The fourth contributor to this the Entrepreneur Edition of the Five by Five is Rob, the anonymous Businesspundit. Rob writes one of my favorite blogs on entrepreneurship and business issues. Because he writes anonymously, he pulls no punches. His Five:
1. Think customer service. Lawyers are in the customer service business, and they should act like it. If clients aren't happy, they shouldn't have to pay full freight.
2. Change the way you bill. I'd rather get away from this billable hour nonsense.
3. Technology, technology, technology. Why do lawyers generate so much paperwork? It's 2004.
4. Understand my business. I get way too many cookie cutter answers from lawyers.
5. Help me plan for the future. Most lawyers I have dealt with are great at writing and analyzing contracts, but I need more. Help me think about the way my strategies will play out from a legal perspective. Help me understand what issues and challenges I may face, and the best way to deal with them,