Five by Five - The IP Edition

Summer is often a slower time for me, but this year it seems like I'm getting hammered from all angles. I have six clients who all have projects to get done now. I know that being in demand is a really great problem to have as a lawyer, but I've been neglecting the people I really care about -- my blog readers.

All kidding aside, I have some great Five by Five news. In the works are Law Professor and Law Student editions, along with a Business Book edition (answering the question, "What five business books should every lawyer read -- and why?").

Up next, however, is a Five by Five I'm really looking forward to. I'm asking five lawyers who concentrate their practices in the intellectual property (IP) fields the following question:

What five things would you change about IP law and/or practice?

The participants are:

Dennis Crouch: Patently Obvious;

Stephen Nipper: Invent Blog, f/k/a Necessity's Progeny;

Mark Partridge: Guiding Rights;

Martin Schwimmer: The Trademark Blog; and,

Douglas Sorocco: POSHITA.

We are coordinating schedules for the posts, but look for the responses soon.


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