Drum Roll Please!

I've done it -- I've found someone silly enough to pay me for doing what I was previously doing for free.  As of today, I have become an "affiliate" of the Law.com Blog Network.  The [non]billable hour is joined by The Volokh Conspiracy, May It Please The CourtI/P Updates, MyShingle.com, Jottings by an Employer's Lawyer, and Crime and Federalism (click here for a link to all of our bios).  I'm honored to be in such fine company and hope that my affiliation with the folks at Law.com profits everyone. 

I have a lot more going on here too.  In the next week, I'll be putting up a "user's guide" to this blog, and will rerun some of my favorite posts in a new "Best of the Blog" category. 

On the Five by Five front, I've been getting the submissions for my Law Student Edition and can't wait to share the five ways each contributor would change legal education. 

I also hope to have an announcement soon on the innovation conference conference for lawyers.

Finally, I'm rolling out a new project here called "Building the Perfect Firm," where I'll draw upon the hundreds of ideas I've compiled in this blog, along with substantive suggestions from non-lawyer experts in marketing, architecture, client service, psychology, business and innovation to put together a blueprint for how law could be practiced in a fulfilling (and hopefully profitable) way.

Well, that should keep me busy for the next few months.  If you are new to reading this blog, welcome.  If you are a long time patron of t[n]bh, thank you.  And if you are reading this post in your aggregator, click through to my site from time to time to look at the pretty ad.  Grace needs a new pair of shoes.


Baseball's Lessons for Lawyers


The Psychology of Pricing