Resolutions for Lawyers, Day 6
I got this one from The Nub:
1) Take any issue you want to consider. E.g: your relationship with your kids or partner; your relationships at work; your project; your time; your stress -- ANYTHING.
2) Now create a sentence stem that focuses on your issue. E.g. If I want to improve my time effectiveness by 5% I must...
3) Then complete the sentence between 6-10 times. Don't get fixed too long trying to say the right thing, if in doubt, invent - just make sure the ending is grammatically correct.
Example endings could be: If I want to improve my time effectiveness by 5% I must...
...get up 30 minutes earlier
...set deadlines
...get to bed earlier
...organise my desk
...stick to my decisions
...accept that I can't do everything
...keep in mind why I am doing somethingWhy only 5%? Because that's not overwhelming. Try it out...There are tons of possibilities with this technique - I've just scratched the surface.