Nice Things
Everyone who blogs has had the “conversation.”
You know, the one that begins with your spouse, friend, colleague or boss asking the question, “So what is a blog, anyway?” and ends with you trying to explain how cool the whole blog thing is and why you spend so much time writing yours and reading others’.
I’ve had the “conversation” dozens of times and have always had a hard time explaining why I’ve spent literally hundreds of hours this past year reading blogs and writing my own. As a lawyer accustomed to valuing my time at almost $200 per hour, there is a very real temptation to measure my ROB (Return On Blogging) against the money I could have made if I were doing client work each hour I instead spent blogging (I am sure my partner has run the same calculation in his head a time or two).
What it has come down to is this: I blog for opportunity. In the past year, I have met more interesting people, been exposed to more amazing ideas, and been involved in more cool projects than in the rest of my (11 year) legal career. This blog has been recognized as one of the Top 50 Blawgs, and I was named the Best New Legal Blogger. I have had more than forty incredible people contribute to my Five by Five series, and met even more cool folks on my Think Tank Tuesday conference call. I was even nominated (by myself, but still…) as one of America’s Top 20 Legal Thinkers. I just finished a chapter on rainmaking for an ABA publication due out in May, and am starting a significant essay (that may become a book) tentatively titled, “Building the Service-Centered Firm.” And I can’t even describe how proud and excited I am about LexThink! Chicago.
What has made this year even more special for me is the really nice things people have said about me and this blog. At the suggestion of my friend Steve Nipper, I started collecting them (for myself, initially) and will share some of my favorites with you. Remember, I’m just a small-town lawyer in Southern Illinois. If I can do this, anyone can!
“What is your favorite blog? I really like Homann's the [non]billable hour blog. If anyone is going to write something I print out and think is going to be Matt. At some point in the future I am going to convert my blogroll into a separate post...with reviews of all of my favorite blogs.” Steve Nipper
“I have to say that my favorite blog of all is the[non]billable hour by Matt Homann. The topics are beyond interesting, they are extremely useful. I left my previous law firm with a deep desire to do things differently and much better than I had seen them done before. From Matt’s blog, I have picked up many little tips and tricks that I have incorporated into my business. Most importantly, I get some validation that I have been thinking the right way all along.” Russ Krajek
“Matthew is an affable guy, as evidenced by his smart, intelligent, and informative blog at the [non] billable hour. One reason I asked Matthew to contribute to this on-going series of interviews is because he's actively involved in changing the face of law. What I mean to say is that he is reaching out to people, connecting with his clients and prospects, in ways that we might not associate with lawyers. This interview gives valuable insight into not only how Matthew, as a lawyer, thinks, but also how far removed the law profession is from all those lawyers jokes we hear every day. (I didn't edit anything, Matt. Your answers were too good to tinker with...much thanks!)” Yvonne DiVita
“If I had to hire a lawyer, I'd hire someone like Matthew Homann. His blog gives me the sense he's well-read (not just because he reads my blog :) ), passionate about his work, careful with his client relationships, professional, and most of all human. I like this guy, not just because he has a blog, but because he has a voice that appeals to me. I could never get that from a Yellow Pages ad.” John Porcaro
“By the way: I read Matt's site The Non-Billable Hour regularly. It's nothing short of fantastic. While Matt's work world is one of law and law firms, his ideas, observations and analysis are applicable to most business development or marketing situations. He also conceives and implements unique feature items (like the Five by Five) and content formats. It's catchy, sticky stuff that's way ahead of the pack.” Skip Lineberg
“A few people have asked me which blogs I read. At some point I will probably include a proper list on my page. For now, I want to point out the best law firm-related blog I have found: the [non]billable hour. Matthew Homann, attorney and mediator, has just set up a small law office. Most of his postings regard marketing the law firm and are commentary on ideas posted in a number of blogs he monitors. Some great, fresh ideas. Really worth a read if you work in a law firm” Connie Crosby
“Matt's a lawyer. Matt's a blogger. Matt's a guy who thinks outside the room, not just the box. And he does it in a way that remains practical, pragmatic, useful. He contacted me a few months ago and asked A. If I'd like to participate with a group of bloggers called THINK TANK TUESDAY (list of members is on the left of this blog). B. Would we like to sponsor the conference calls. I said yes to both. Lucky for me. Matt's oneof the few people who qualify as a thought-leader, as a leader and as a genuinely decent fellow. I love the way he's tweaking the nose in a constructive manner of the legal establishment challenging them to rethink their relationship with their clients, their practice, their billing, how to run their practice. And his ideas on marketing, entrepreneurship and just his energy and drive are inspiring.” Zane Safrit
Thank You!