Small Firm Lawyers Tsunami Fund!

Denise Howell posts about how big firms are contributing large sums of money to aid tsunami victims.  What about the small firm lawyers?  The small firm lawyers I know are among the most generous and giving people on this planet.  I’d wager that most lawyers in small communities give a far greater percentage of their income (and time) to community and charitable organizations then do their big firm counterparts, although the big firms get all the press

Today, I am issuing the Small Firm Tsunami Relief Fund challenge:  I want to raise at least $100,000 for tsunami relief in the next three months — to be given to Save the Children — on behalf of small-firm lawyers everywhere.

As I often do, I’m posting this idea without thinking through all of the details.  I’ll work on those this weekend, but here are some possibilities:

1.  Get a company that serves solo and small firm lawyers to match all donations up to a certain level.

2.  Call upon the solo and small firm sections of various national, state, and local bar associations to get the news out to their members.

3.  Set up some sort of mechanism to accept the pledges and forward them on to Save the Children as a lump sum.

4.  Partner with all of the blawggers out there who write for a small firm audience.

I know there are a lot of details to work out, and I welcome your comments and suggestions.  I’d even suggest a conference call next week if anyone is serious about helping me with this.  E-mail me at and let’s make this happen!


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