Let you clients sell your service.

Michael Cage has these fantastic tips for "adding proof to everything you do."

  1. Get testimonials – what other people say about you is at leasttwice as believable as what you say about yourself. When a client ishappy with your solutions, ask them for a testimonial to use in yourmarketing. Most will be very happy to help.
  2. Put written testimonials everywhere – every single written pieceof marketing material in your business should have at least onethrilled client testimonial on it. Proof is not a one-time thing; it’san all-the-time, every-time thing.
  3. Use on-hold marketing – what happens when potential clients callyour business and are put on hold? Do they hear music, or worse,nothing? Make use of it. Have your best clients record theirtestimonials, and play them when callers are put on hold.
  4. Use pictures – a client in the Midwest takes pictures every timethey deliver a new solution. He shakes hands with the client, they bothsmile big and bright, and an employee snaps a photo. The photos arethen used to make case studies and testimonials more compelling, andare also put in an album of hundreds of happy clients.
  5. Create case studies – what are the most common problems yourclients have? For each problem, create a compelling case study thattells the story of another client who you solved that problem for. Itcan all fit on a single page. Simply state what the problem was, how itwas hurting your client, how you solved it, and what the end resultwas.
  6. Create an eavesdrop line – put 15 or 30 minutes of recordedtestimonials on a voice mail line. Put this “real client eavesdropline” on your business cards, in your yellow pages ads, and ineverything else you do. Even if potential clients don’t call, the factthat you will let them hear real stories from real clients will lendbelievability to everything else you say

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