The NonBillable Hour

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Hell freezes over first.

AJ Levy, at Out-of-the-Box Lawyering points us to a law review article (not online, I’m afraid) suggesting law school professors have an obligation to engage in law practice.  The cite is here — Bluebook be damned:

"The Dangers of the Ivory Tower: The Obligation of Law Professors to Engage in the Practice of Law."  50 Loyola L. Rev. 623 - 673 (Fall 2004) by Amy B. Cohen.

The author, a professor herself, came to her groundbreaking conclusion after taking a one semester sabbatical to return to law practice!

I’m not going to take potshots at Professor Cohen, because I totally agree with her argument.  But one semester, come on.  If she had taken five years to rejoin her law school brethren (and sistren) in the trenches, she would have gotten a better picture of current law practice, but may have penned this article insead:

“What the Hell was I Thinking:  The Obligation of Law Professors Never Ever Ever to Leave the Ivory Tower.”