Cleaning Out the Link Closet (Day 1)

Here are several links, each deserving its own post.  Check them out and write your own:

My friend Arnie Herz has an interesting take on Law Office Design.

Evaluating Sexy Ads from the Retail Store Blog (pictures semi work safe).

Using the Internet to Communicate and Collaborate from Ben Cowgill’s Legal Ethics Blog.

It’s the Feed Stupid from A VC.

The Sport of Business from Mark Cuban:

Every day some stranger from any where in the world that you have never met is trying to come up with a way to put you out of business. To take everything you have worked your ass off for, and take it all away. If you are in a growing industry, there could be hundreds or thousands of strangers trying to figure out ways to put you out of business. How cool is that.

The ultimate competition. Would you like to play a game called Eat Your Lunch. We are going to face off . My ability to execute on an idea vs yours. My ability to subvert your business  vs your ability to keep it going. My ability to create ways to remove any reason for your business to exist vs your ability to do the same to me. My ability to know what you are going to do, before you do it.  Who gets there first ? Best of all, this game doesn’t have a time limit. Its forever. It never ends. Its the ultimate competition.

Definition of “Churn” from Andy Haven:

"Churn" is the propensity for a customer to switch from one brand to another within a category, or for a worker to switch from one company to another within the same industry. It's worse than simply losing a customer or an employee, because you're not just down one unit, you're actively contributing to a competitor.  It's a net comparative loss of at least two units, if you catch my drift; you're down one and your competitor is up one. Plus the fact that you're out whatever investment you put into your customer or employee.

For example: to attract , train, house, equip, water, weed and polish a good, new associate for 3-4 years,  a firm these days probably has to spend between $200-$400k above and beyond what they're able to bill them out for. If they then lose that associate to another firm, they've "churned" them to a competitor. So not only have they lost a worker, but they've paid $200k to train someone to go work at a firm that could take business away from them. And they've paid $200k for someone to take all his/her networking connections with them.  And they've paid $200k for someone to go badmouth them all over the place at their new digs. You get the picture. It's bad on both ends.

Blogging Your Way to a New Job from Debbie Weil  (link from Kevin O’Keefe)


Hoosier Lawyer


Sage Advice from Ed Poll