What Would Vader Do?
Well, Darth Vader has a blog. Here are some great management tips from the guru himself:
Vader on Managing Difficult Employees: ...You try to be an effective manager, you weed out the bad apples like the late Admiral Ozzel -- only to find that an insidious culture of incompetence has somehow transformed your deadly pan-galactic armada into a fleet of spaceballs.
And this response to a comment: While you may feel at first this approach to be overly broad-handed, have you considered killing people who don't do your bidding or sing your praises? Try it. It's cathartic, and it doesn't take long for others to really get with the programme. Good luck!
Vader on Innovation: Admiral Ozzol took the fleet out of hyperspace too close to Hoth, and the Rebel Alliance were -- you guessed it -- alerted to our approach. The cornerstone of Ozzel's arrogance is his insistence that rebel technology is so vastly inferior to Imperial technology that we need broker no caution.
This attitude is typical of a man who could not rephase his own fusion orb if his life depended on it. He cannot fathom what rebel engineers may accomplish out of desperation. People who are good with things, people like me, can appreciate the infinite diversity of possible tools buried in artful combinations of even the humblest technologies. Give me an hour to reconfigure an industrial grade repulsolift and I will give you an ion cannon and enough parts left over to build a droid to run it.
Ozzel just isn't the creative type.
Vader on Negotiation Strategy: What crystallized the situation for me was something the Duke of Foulbash said, bringing his brown fist down on the table: "Lord Vader, what is at stake here is a millennium of tradition! That is the heart of this matter."
The Duke was right. I told him so. Then I assassinated the entire royal family, down to the last forgotten bastard.
And do you know what? The Trime System is a leading commercial concern in the sector today. They grieved but they got over it. Once liberated from the yoke of an insoluble, deeply emotional dilemma the people of the Trimean worlds were free to build new bonds, to establish vibrant new institutions, and to create new traditions.
Vader on Client Transparency: "You may ask," I told him, turning away to the glass. "As an ant may ask the sun why it shines. It is beyond you, Admiral. See to your duty."
Vader on Dealing with Technology: It can be challenging to maintain your dignity as a dark tyrannical overlord when the circuitry in your left leg constantly misfires, threatening to send you off on a mad pirouette without notice.
Next time you are faced with a management conundrum, just ask Vader! Leave a comment to his latest post. You might just get a response from the Dark Lord himself. Just don’t be a smart ass, in his bio, Darth says he “
enjoys fixing things, listening to music, and crushing people's treacheas with his mind.”