The NonBillable Hour

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It is an honor just to be nominated! Really.

I just received an e-mail from June Holaday telling me this blog was nominated for Marketing Sherpa’s 2nd Annual Reader’s Choice Blog Awards in the “niche marketing” category.  The coolest thing about the nomination (and about blogs in general) is that I already know two of my co-nominees personally:  Michele Miller of Wonderbranding and Yvonne DiVita of Lipsticking.  Both are amazingly cool women who were among the first contributors to my Five by Five series.  After reading the other nominated blog — Anastasia Goodstein’s Ypulse — if I finish anywhere above fourth in this survey, something is seriously wrong in this universe.


UPDATE:  My friend (and chief Technolawyer) Neil Squillante reminded me that the [non]billable hour is up for “best legal blog” in this year’s Technolawyer awards.  The ballot is here, and you must be a Technolawyer member to vote.