Living in RSSia. My new feeds.

I’ve been adding RSS feeds to my aggregator at an alarming clip.  While I’ve been pretty diligent at deleting at least one feed for every two I add, I’m still swimming in data.  One thing that helps is that at the end of each week, I delete everything that is clogging up my “unread items” folder in my aggregator and start new on Monday.  It is an amazingly liberating experience.

One thing I’ve wanted to do for a while is resuscitate my “Weekly Five” feature where I’d share five new/cool sites I’d found the week before.  Since I’m living in RSSland now (“RSSia”), I thought I’d do something a bit different.  Each week I’ll share the sites whose feeds have taken up a permanent residence in my aggregator.

In the last week, here is what’s new, in no particular order:


Trends I’m Watching (Thanks to Zane for the tip)

Mark Hollander

Dig Tank


Future Tense

Just Looking


One Way not to "Brand" Your Firm


Make a Million Dollars