The NonBillable Hour

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Don't forget the barbed wire.

In what may be my only Martha Stewart related post this year, I had to share this snippet from Worthwhile (quoting a Vanity Fair piece on the Maven of Style):

Martha Stewart's business precepts, as she tells Vanity Fair's Matt Tyrnauer, are: 1) People Matter. 2) Invest to get perfection. 3) You have to take risks.

And what does foresee as the future of stylish living? (Hint: It's exactly the opposite of the ornate tract-mansions featured in most magazines and being built everywhere I look.)

Instead, Martha has been studying Shaker design: "I want to have a new kind of house, a smart house," she tells Vanity Fair. "No paints on the exterior, stamped-concrete floors, really simple and planned to reduce the maintenance. This is going to be the future."

And a stainless-steel lavatory and toilet in the corner too?  Sounds like she’s describing the place she just left, not the one she’s going to build.  Is this the new prison chic?  (Also, did she just use the word “invest” to describe one of her business precepts?)