The Printable Partner - For Solos?
David Seah introduces his Printable CEO (remixed here), that he developed to help him in his solo business:
What I need is executive focus from a leader that understands how to grow my business, a manager that knows how to motivate me. I once read that the most effective executives ask themselves a simple question: What can I do to add value to the company? If the task at hand doesn’t add value, then screw it! Do something else that does!
Hiring my own personal CEO would be great, but who has the time and money to do an executive search? I’ve got MP3s to sort! So I did the next best thing: I designed a printable form to motivate my business development activities.
I really like this idea. Keeping track of billable time is one thing, but David’s idea forces you to keep track of business-building time as well — all with an easy scoring system. Simply brilliant.