Gyronix's Results Manager comes to BlawgThink

Hot off the presses:  Gyronix, makers of the fantastic MindManager add-in ResultsManager is coming to BlawgThink, and each attendee will get a licensed copy of ResultsManager Pro as part of their registration, a $285.00 value

If you use MindManager, you have to check out ResultsManager, especially if you are a Getting Things Done (GTD) fan.  It is hard to describe just how cool the software is, but I’ll give the Gyronix folks a shot:

The Gyronix Dynamic Planning System™ uses a state-of-the-art visualisation software platform (MindManager®) to create a continuous productivity solution. Multiple projects, strategies or brainstorms are visualised and dynamically combined into focused dashboards which summarise next actions, enable planning reviews and track relationships & commitments.

Really, like you needed another reason to come to BlawgThink?  E-mail me if you want an invitation:


Faculty Additions to BlawgThink


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