Resolutions for Lawyers Redux - Day 8
Resolve to rethink your advertising and marketing strategy. Here’s my all-time favorite advertising idea (WARNING, may not be ethics-safe for lawyers).
Here is last year’s resolution:
One of my favorite ideas I've found since I've been blogging is the one I blogged about here called "Stop, Start, Continue." Divide your staff into three groups and identify a single problem or question you need to address in your practice (or your life).
Ask the first group to brainstorm and answer the question, "In order to _______, we need to stop doing _______." The second group does the same with the question, "In order to _______, we need to start doing _______." Finally the third group answers, "In order to _______, we need to continue doing _______."
After all three groups have come up with a number of answers to their question, have everyone rotate and repeat the process two more times. Get everyone together, review the answers, and then devise a plan to put the ideas into action.