links for 2006-05-04 Extras May 3 Written By Dr. Johnson on reminders | 43 Folders “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.” (tags: quotes GTD) Warm, Partly Cloudy, 100% Chance of Brain Rain (tags: creativity innovation) The Virtues of a Second Screen - New York Times Absolutely 100% true. (tags: productivity technology) how to fold a shirt in japan - Google Video Too cool. (tags: fun humor lifehack) Ten things every Microsoft Word user should know (tags: Word technology hacks) Toddler Tips (tags: children parenting) Doh! I wish I'd seen this two weeks ago. (tags: moving storage)
links for 2006-05-04 Extras May 3 Written By Dr. Johnson on reminders | 43 Folders “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.” (tags: quotes GTD) Warm, Partly Cloudy, 100% Chance of Brain Rain (tags: creativity innovation) The Virtues of a Second Screen - New York Times Absolutely 100% true. (tags: productivity technology) how to fold a shirt in japan - Google Video Too cool. (tags: fun humor lifehack) Ten things every Microsoft Word user should know (tags: Word technology hacks) Toddler Tips (tags: children parenting) Doh! I wish I'd seen this two weeks ago. (tags: moving storage)