Resolutions III: December 1
Build a 2007 Resolution Wall.
Find a blank wall in your office where everyone can post as many firm-related “resolutions” as they want on 5x8 inch Post-It Notes.*
At the beginning of 2007, draw a line ( tape) down the middle of the wall. Label one side “Someday” and the other side “Now.”
Ask every staff member to pick JUST ONE resolution they personally commit to achieving and move that Post-It from the Someday side to the Now side.
Every week, review the resolutions and ask everyone for an update on their progress.
Once a resolution is achieved, place a huge checkmark (or big gold star) on it, and move another over from the Someday side to the Now side.
Repeat as necessary all year long.
* If you are feeling particularly brave, ask your clients to add their resolutions for your firm to the wall, and keep them up-to-date on your firm’s progress.