“Matthewis king of turning crowds into idea engines. He is a facilitator thatbakes "ideas" into "actionable ideas." If that doesn't sell you,consider the fact Matthew makes topics like law seem fascinating, andturns rigid thinkers into creative idea types. If I get fired from myjob today, I'll beg Matthew for a job tomorrow.” April 3, 2007
“Ifirst met Matthew at the first LexThink and was immediately struck bythe aura of good nature and open enthusiasm that he carried with him.Matthew and his team executed that event flawlessly and with grace, andwith great fun. Our paths have crossed since then and it's always apleasure.” June 15, 2007
“Mattis an amazing guy, full of very creative, boundless energy. I first hadthe pleasure of meeting him when I become involved with the firstBlawgThink in Chicago in 2005. Having been disappointed by some of theallegedly interactive unconferences I had recently attended, I had beenthinking a lot about how conferences could be more rewarding. I arrivedat BlawgThink and within a day felt like Matt was really ontosomething. He is very good at thinking deeply about the way to bringpeople together, then--and this is the good part--he also knows how todo tha actual legwork to make his visions come to pass.” May 14, 2007
Hobie Swan, External Affairs Manager, MindJet Corporation
“Mattis an incredibly energetic individual whose infectious "positiveintensity" is envied by many aspiring "communicators" in the legalmarketplace. His success at balancing technological capability andpractical communication wisdom can be seen in all of his endeavors.Whether it be formal public speaking to legal professionals at theannual American Bar Association TECHSHOW or indirect writings to hismany readers in the blogosphere, Matt is a master communicator who notonly practices what he preaches but also inspires when he preaches.” April 25, 2007
Rob Robinson, Vice President of Marketing, ONSITE Electronic Discovery
“Mattis a wonderful facilitator, has awesome programs, helps people to thinkout of the box. He takes workshops, confrences to another level. Hemakes things interesting, different and most of all exciting. ThanksMatt for your ideas and skills.” February 27, 2007
“Matthewis a one-of-a-kind blogger with many ideas for improved law practicemanagement. With LexThink he puts to work his innovative ideas forfacilitating interactions between people.” January 11, 2007
Connie Crosby, Library Manager, WeirFoulds LLP
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Ifirst met Matt at Blogwalk Chicago where we jointly participated inthat conference. Later, I had the pleasure of working with Matt as hestaged one of the first LexThink "unconferences" in Chicago. Matt is acreative thinker who is eager to put creative ideas (his and others)into action, which he does effectively. I hope we get the opportunityto work together again.” January 8, 2007
Jim McGee, Director, Huron Consulting Group
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Iattended Matt's outrageously interesting Lexthink campout in Chicago.Fantastic people, interactions and space... all run with great savvyand fun by Matt and his team.” January 2, 2007
henry copeland, ceo, pressflex llc
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Matt'snot only an innovative guy, but a heck of nice person. He lives thetrue spirit of Internet business success, he gives more of himself toothers than he expects to receive in return.I've worked with Matt as a conference presenter where he was thecoordinator. First class job. Inspired attendees to think creativelywhile at the conference and to achieve great things when they returnedto their jobs.” January 1, 2007
Kevin O'Keefe, President & Founder, LexBlog, Inc.
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Mattis continuously challenging lawyers--notoriously fond of precedent and"what others are doing"--to think differently and to actually considerinnovative approaches to their work. You will find yourself coming awayfrom a conversation with Matt rethinking at least one thing you alwaystook for granted.Bruce MacEwen” December 22, 2006
Bruce MacEwen, Owner, "Adam Smith, Esq."
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Mattis motivated to help lawyers and other professionals learn to usetechnology, particularly the Internet, to enhance their vision andtheir practice. I've attended several of the innovation workshops thathe was responsible for coordinating and each time I came away withvaluable information, as well as a heightened sense of respect forMatt's talent and enthusiasm.” December 21, 2006
Ernest Svenson, Founder, Svenson Law Firm
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Matthewwas part of a team of consultants we hired at Thomson West to provideus with insights and creative ideas for new products that we woulddevelop specifically for one and two person law firms. Matthew's energyand creativity elevated the discourse and produced sessions that werevery insightful, fun, and - best of all - productive. The depth andbreadth of his knowledge and experience went beyond the actual subjectarea. Definitely one of the best consultant experiences I've had.” December 21, 2006
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Creative
Robert Schuneman
hired Matthew as a Business Consultant in 2005
“Matt'sbrainchild, LexThink, puts together innovative "unconferences." I hadthe pleasure to speak at a LexThink conference in April 2006. I enjoyedthe experience and made some valuable connections.” December 20, 2006
Neil Squillante, President, PeerViews Inc.
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Mattis an incredibly bright and creative individual. On several occasions,his ability to think out of the box has delivered tremendous value tome and my business partners by helping our team flush out our big ideasand develop a plan for launching them.” December 20, 2006
Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Creative
J. Matthew Buchanan
hired Matthew as a Consultant in 2005
“Mattis extremely pleasant to work with and is an incredible source ofideas. He excels at presenting information and beginning dialogue toactually accomplish what a conference should. I help Matt produce hisLexThink! events.” December 19, 2006
JoAnna Forshee, Owner, Envision Agency
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Matthewis a "big idea" guy who makes you think...that's the highest complimentI can think to describe his worth. He's a talented man.” December 19, 2006
Jim Logan, Owner, JSLogan
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Matt'sthe [non]billable hour blog is must reading for independentprofessionals trying to move forward in the world the Web created, notonly for his own keen observations on how to reorganize one's practiceand marketing to better serve clients, but for the links he provides tolike-minded writers. His RSS feed is on my reader--and should be onyours.” December 19, 2006
Top qualities: Expert, High Integrity, Creative
Edward Wiest
hired Matthew as a Business Consultant in 2005
“Ina world where conferences have varied from extremely effective to awaste of money, Matt's concept of the un-conference using the OpenSpace model has proved to be very effective. I've been thoroughlyimpressed with all three LexThink! events I've participated in (fromattendee to speaker). Matt's big picture thinking and energy isintoxicating and you can only feel like you can change the world afterbeing in his presence and attending one of his conferences.” December 19, 2006
Frederick Faulkner IV, Webmaster, American Bar Association
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Matt'sleadership of group meetings at Blawgthink 2005 and the St. Louis IdeaMarket has brought together excellent people and stimulated interestingconversations generating innovative ideas and insights.” December 19, 2006
Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Creative
George Lenard
hired Matthew as a Unconference organizer in 2005, and hired Matthew more than once
“MattHomann is one of the most enthusiastic and creative thinkers that Iknow....His un-conference, BlawgThink2005, was truly a valuablelearning and networking experience with just the right mix of contentand smart people to make the value long lasting. I can always count onMatt to be willing to share ideas, find solutions..and to make itchallenging and fun!” December 19, 2006
Marianne Richmond, Partner, Resonance Partnership
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Mattorganized and ran the very best conference that I have ever attended.He has that rare combination of creativity with follow-through.” December 19, 2006
Dennis Crouch, Patent Attorney, McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Iattended the inaugural LexThink event co-hosted by Matt. The event wasproof that the world truly is flat -- lawyers, bloggers and consultantsat all levels exchanging synergistic ideas at a furious pace. I wouldrecommend adding Matt to your short list of advisors.” December 19, 2006
Kevin Buckley, Attorney, Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“MattHomann is one of those few people who can not only conceive the big"out-of-the-box" idea, but can also attend to the details necessary toget from idea to reality. That ability, combined with his extensiveknowledge of the law, makes Matt a near-unique consultant. Matt is arare find, and I encourage everyone to take advantage of his knowledgeand ability.” December 19, 2006
Robert Kraft, Owner, Kraft & Associates, Injury, Disability & Immigration Lawyers
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Mattis a very bright and talented guy! I would highly recommend him, andwould say anyone dealing with Matt will be highly please with hisenergy, skills, imagination and ability!” December 19, 2006
Burton Bruggeman, CEO, ActiveWords
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Ihave had the opportunity to both attend and present at conferencesorganized by Matt Homann. While traditional conferences are greatplaces to learn from, the LexThink events I have participated in havetruly challenged my thinking and promoted ingenuity. By combiningstructured presentations with collaborative brainstorms, attendeessynthesize inspirations into practical applications that areimmediately relevant.” December 19, 2006
Steve Dembo, Director of Technology, Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Mattled my team through the best staff retreat I've ever experienced. Withhis creative and "small pieces, loosely joined" approach, we were ableto build the groundwork for constructive new partnerships with otherdepartments, as well as take advantage of creative insights into ourown processes that couldn't have occurred without his uniqueleadership.” December 19, 2006
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Creative
Brendon Connelly
hired Matthew as a Business Consultant in 2005
“Ihave attended at least two LexThink events, and they were bothwonderful, collaborative experiences. Matt brings together an excellentset of people, seeds the group with interesting questions, and guidesthe free-flowing conversations.” December 19, 2006
Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Creative
Jack Vinson
hired Matthew as a Business Consultant in 2005, and hired Matthew more than once
“Mattheworganized one of the most creative, interesting, idea-provoking,network-generating events I've ever read about much less had thepleasure to attend. That was the LexThink event. His LexThink event wasorginally targeted at the legal profession. But it's a model that couldbe applied to professional association memberships of any sort. We feelfortunate to have Matt as a resource and a friend.” December 19, 2006
Zane Safrit, CEO, Conference Calls Unlimited
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Congratulationsto Matthew Homann for contributing a new dimension to how the kegalprofession thinks about itself. As President and Chief Thinking Officerat LexThink, Inc.., Matthew has provided unique environments andprocesses that serve to stimulate fresh thoughts and ideas. Bravo!” December 19, 2006
Gerry Riskin, Owner, Edge International
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.
“Mattis one of those rare individuals with the ability to put together asocial experience that is intensely productive AND memorable for itsuniqueness and whimsy. To that effect, I look back on Blawgthink!,which Matt had a senior role in organizing, as one of the greatconferences I've ever attended. And during an event Matt is everywhere,ensuring people are having fun and getting engaged. I can't recommendMatt and Lexthink highly enough.” November 30, 2006
Kyle McFarlin, Implementation Consultant, Gyronix
was with another company when working with Matthew at LexThink, Inc.