Grow Your Practice by Asking Clients to Leave
Interesting post on the Church Marketing Sucks blog titled "Grow Your Church by Asking People to Leave." It is a point I've made before: your practice is often far healthier if you stop serving clients you don't want to (and who are often unhappy with your service anyway). From the post:
Craig gives an examplewhere he preached on the church's vision trying to get everybody onboard. If people weren't on board with the vision, he asked them tofind another church. He even offered brochures from 10 other churcheshe knew and recommended. It was a serious challenge and 500 people ended up leaving. Most people would freak out at that thought. Not Craig:
The next week, we had about 500 new seats for people whocould get excited about the vision. Within a short period of time, Godfilled those seats with passionate people. Many of those who left ourchurch found great, biblical churches where they could worship and usetheir gifts.
Everybody won!
That's why I sometimes say, "You can grow your church by asking people to leave."
Craig focuses on making leaving a church a graceful option and a positive thing and not the bitter experience it often is.
I love it!