The NonBillable Hour

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Outsource Your (Non)Legal Practice

I'm a big fan of Tim Ferriss' book The 4-Hour Workweek, though some of his suggestions are a bit impractical for an office-dwelling professional.  That's why I really liked this post on 43 Folders that gives several realistic examples of ways to outsource your personal and professional life.  Well worth a read, if only for this fantastic advice for those to whom "delegation" is a four letter word:

It’s easy to tell yourself that it would take too long to figure outhow to explain a project to someone else than to do it on your own. After all, you’re the only person who has the grand picture,understands the purpose of the work, and is familiar with the details.But with a bit of pluck and a capacity for seeing projects for whatthey truly are (collections of discrete actions,) you’ll be astonishedat how much you can rid yourself of.  I have often found that what atfirst seemed daunting to explain to someone else actually just requireda few moments thinking about how the problem needed to beapproached—which is a process I was going to have to go through anyway if I were ever going to complete the task in the first place.