The NonBillable Hour

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Got Anxious Clients?

Think about it. Every client who enters a lawyer's office is anxious. In fact, they'd probably prefer going to the dentist. That's why this article on How to Deal with Anxious People is important reading. It sets out some research, with some valuable tips for deciphering visual cues, that every lawyer should know. Here's why:

The more you talk over or at anxious people, the more pressure youput on their middle brain and the more they will close their minds towhat you are saying.

Alternatively, the more you talk to an anxious person -- or even better yet, with them -- the more you alleviate that pressure and the easier it is to access their upper brain and open their minds to you.Here's a critical point, though: the approach you may think you aretaking in a conversation with an anxious person may not be the approachthe other person perceives.

Also worth remembering when you are confronted with that big guy in the bar who accuses you of cheating at pool.