The NonBillable Hour

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A Great Traveler's Tip: Let Me Give You a Clue

Gretchen Rubin at The Happiness Project shares a great tip for traveling parents:

A friend of mine has a great tradition when she and her husband travel away from their children.

Like many people, she brings her kids little presents from trips,but instead of just handing them over upon her return, she makes sureto pick the presents early in the trip, then allows her children to askfor clues. Each child gets one clue per day, and they have tremendousfun coming up with the questions, coordinating with each other aboutwho will ask what, keeping a list of the clues that have been revealed,debating amongst themselves, etc.

She says that the gift itself brings them much less fun than the guessing game.

As someone who's on the road a lot, I absolutely love this idea. Not sure it would work for clients awaiting your trip back from court.