The NonBillable Hour

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Take Your Customers to Work?

In the her Nature his Nurture blog, Sean Hazell suggests having a "Take your customer to work day." Here's how it'd work:

- Invite your customer into your workplace to shadow an employee; parties are encouraged to sign up and then paired.

- Open your office, back-shop, or factory doors for the day to giveyour customers a behind the scenes glimpse of your working environment.

- Your employees represent your brand for the day.

- Customers see for themselves what truly makes your company special.

Still trying to figure out just how this could work with lawyers (client confidentiality and all that), but would it be impossible to have a "take your clients to court day" once a month to give clients with upcoming court dates a stress-free preview of their day a the courthouse? They'd get a chance to know where to meet, where to park, how to get through security, etc. I did this once with a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy client (she accompanied me when we filed) and she was much more comfortable during her hearing than everyone else around her.

And, if you can't bring them in person, do you at least have pictures of what these places look like that you can share with them before they go?