Get Paid Faster

Some great advice from Howard Mann on ways to get paid faster.  Here's my favorite:

4. Make the invoice an experience not a pain.  You work so hard to deliver a great experience to your customers -don't you? Why stop when the product or service is delivered?  How canyou make the delivery of your invoice a memorable event to therecipient? It is a chance to ask for feedback.  It is a chance to thankthem for their business. 2 suggestions:

a) Make your invoice look nice great! Your invoice represents yourcompany. Does it do it well? Have the designer that designed your logo,web site or brochure design your invoice.  Make it clear and pleasantto read.  Forms do not have to be ugly.  Make it stand out from theothers.

b) Add a message to the invoice that is memorable.  Maybe it is afunny quote or a fun way to present the total due. If you don't sendmany invoices then take the time to write a personal email with eachone. If you send a ton, then this is impractical.  But you can create acover email that briefly thanks them for entrusting the work to you. Change your message every month or so.  Even a variety of facts aboutyour company or staff works. Make it memorable and make it work withthe personality of your business. I had one vendor who mentioned intheir invoice when staff members had a birthday or had a baby, whichdrove home their family oriented nature.

An absolutely dynamite idea!  Look at your invoices, are they interesting or memorable?


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