LexThink FAQ: Why is Attendance Limited?
Q: Why are you limiting the number of attendees for LexThink Innovate?
A: LexThink Innovate is focused on providing the best collaborative experience for the attendees. As I've planned the event, I've thrown out all of the old-school conference "rules" such as: you've got to do it in a big city, you have to have well-known speakers, and that bigger is better.Instead, LexThink Innovate will be an intimate event, more akin to a retreat than a conference, where everyone will have an opportunity to make meaningful connections with one another, and be able to carry their collaboration and idea-sharing beyond our two days in St. Louis. Also, by keeping attendance to around 30-40 people, everyone will have multiple opportunities to share (and solve) their challenges with the entire group.
In short, after having designed and facilitated experiences for groups as large as 400, I'm convinced that, for an innovation-focused event a smaller conference makes for a better conference.