LexThink FAQ: Will There be Sponsors?
Q: Will there be sponsors at LexThink Innovate?
A: This is an easy one: I don't know. It isn't as if a sponsorship (or five) wouldn't be helpful, but from the beginning, I've built LexThink Innovate to serve the attendees first. I'd rather deliver an amazing experience to them, than worry about delivering sales opportunities to sponsors.
However -- and this is a big however -- vendors are welcome, on two conditions:
First, if you want to attend as an attendee, you must participate, contribute to the innovation discussions and NOT SELL your products or services to others at the event.
Second, if you'd like represent your company (instead of yourself) and have an opportunity to make a pitch, tell the attendees about your product, hand something out, and/or demo something, you must buy one of five Vendor Tickets. Unlike the Attendee tickets, these are non-refundable.
If you're thinking about sponsoring or attending LexThink Innovate, feel free to contact me at Matt@LexThink.com. It is going to be cool, and I'd love to see you there.