Resolve to Land a Big Fish


Almost every lawyer has a "big fish" they'd like to land. Whether that fish is an individual client, a corporation, an insurance company or even a great referral source, your big fish isn't going to catch itself. 

And what better place to find advice on catching "big fish" than on a website called TakeMeFishing?  Some fishing wisdom to keep in mind when you're Resolving to Land a Big Fish:

Fishing techniques:

The cool thing about fishing is that there are hundreds of species of fish to catch.  What's even cooler is that there are multiple ways to catch a particular kind of fish.

When to fish:

You'll soon learn that when it's a bad day for fishing in one location, it could be a good day in another, and the locations may not be far apart.

Finding fish:

You don't have to travel far or spend a lot of money to find a body of water with fish you can catch.

Landing bigger fish:

Don't be anxious.  Even if you get the fish close to the boat, that doesn't mean it's done fighting.

Setting the hook:

It takes a lot of experience to know when to set the hook.  It also takes a lot of patience.

Some fish will nibble on your bait or lure, causing your line to tick or wiggle.  And some fish will try to swallow the entire bait, hook and rig all at once with one big hit.

Different fish strike differently.  And the same fish will go after your bait differently depending on the time of day or time of year.

Caring for your catch:

Fish spoil quickly if you don't handle them properly from the moment you land them.

So as you plan on landing one big fish in 2010, make certain you're prepared: know who they are, where they hang out, what you'll use to attract them and what you'll do with them once they're caught. 

Know the answers to each of these questions before you "go fishing" for big fish, or all you will end up catching are small ones you'd rather throw back. 


Resolve to Support the Causes Your Clients Do


Resolutions, Revisited.