Billboard-ize Your Next Presentation
Another great post from Presentation Zen on learning slide design from IKEA billboards. The key takeaway:
Goodbillboards and other signage, must:(1) get noticed,
(2) beread/understood,
(3) be remembered, and
(4) we hope an action is takenor one's thinking is influenced.The first three in particular apply topresentation slides as well. I am not suggesting that you literallycopy the style of the signs outside an IKEA. But you can incorporatethe same principles for your displays used in your live talks thatdesigners use for billboards and other 'glance media.'
Most peoplecould not care less about a billboard or the signs outside an IKEAstore, of course. But you're different. So you slow down and you payattention to "the design of it." You notice the elements such as color,size, shape, line, pattern, texture, emptiness, alignment, proximity,contrast, and so on.